Sunday, December 24, 2017

How Many Cups of Coffee in a Day?

Medical studies have found that coffee is good for health. This drink is more likely to ward off disease than harmful to health.

The study also found evidence that coffee may reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, liver disease and dementia. But even so, it does not mean that it's good for everyone. For example, pregnant women are at risk of miscarriage if they drink too much coffee. In addition, excessive caffeine intake is also at risk of fractures in women.

According to Southampton University study, drinking three-four cups of coffee every day is very beneficial to health. Coffee can reduce the risk of heart attack by 15 percent and reduce the risk of premature death by about 17 percent. The study says, it happens because the natural compounds that exist in coffee can improve health that is improving the function of the liver and the immune system.

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